This weekend: my 100th marathon+ race

Please join me to celebrate my 100th race of a marathon or longer on June 15th. I am partnering with two of my favorite organizations:

Miracle Messages: founded by my dear friend Kevin Adler, this award-winning nonprofit organization is based in San Francisco and helps people experiencing homelessness rebuild their social support systems. This run will be a fundraiser for their great work. You can donate at this link:

Coastal Trail Runs: Inspirational race directors Leng and Wendell are more than partially responsible for my continued engagement with trail running. I have been running with them for close to 15 years. They put on amazing local races (including this one!) and are pillars of the Bay Area running community. (The banner image is from a race I did with them in 2014/2015!)

The race will take place on June 15th at Crissy Field, in San Francisco, from 8am to 2pm, followed by a short post-race celebration and lunch nearby. The race is a one-mile loop, so it will be very easy to see me several times an hour. Important to note that some other runners will continue to race after my finish, so we will give them lots of space.

Call to action:

If you have questions / comments, email me at lisa at lisadonchak dot com. Excited to see you on June 15th!

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